Massage Therapy at
Eastern Hills Chiropractic
Long-standing spinal problems are accompanied by ingrained muscle patterns. Muscle spasms and scar tissue are often involved. By augmenting your chiropractic care with massage therapy, these muscle and soft tissue problems can be addressed. This can help speed your recovery and enhance the retraining of your spine.
Meet Our Massage Therapists
Brandy Haumesser, L.M.T., Cincinnati Massage Therapist
If you have never had a massage you are missing out!! I had been caring for people in the dental field for 12 years before deciding to extend my care to a more hands on healing modality, after becoming a chiropractic patient myself. I was a 2004 graduate of the Cincinnati School of Medical Massage, and became licensed by the Ohio State Medical Board in July 2004. Patient education is important to me. If my patients understand the health benefits of massage therapy in conjunction with chiropractic they are more likely to heal faster and reach their health goals. My intuition and comforting touch ensures each individual client gets the maximum health benefit from this therapeutic experience. I am married with two children, a son and a daughter and have a large dog.
My hobbies are working out, scrap-booking, redecorating my home, and I love to entertain. I also love helping people improve their skin and their confidence with Rodan + Fields:
Laura Ray, L.M.T., Cincinnati Massage Therapist
I am a 2010 graduate of the Cincinnati School of Medical Massage and have been working with Eastern Hills Chiropractic since August of 2021.
Before every massage starts I talk with each client to understand their massage needs and have them go over their problematic areas which helps determine what type of massage is best. Some clients do a full body massage while others will just have their problematic areas worked on.
I do a combination of therapeutic massage including relaxation, swedish, and deep tissue to help achieve each clients goals.
Therapeutic massage has many health benefits both physically and mentally. Massage helps boost mental health by relieving stress, fatigue, and increases relaxation. Massage releases muscle tension, pinched nerves, manages pain and promotes healing.
I hope you find the time to help care for yourself from the benefits of a therapeutic medical massage and would love to help you achieve your massage goals!