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Severe Shoulder and Neck Pain

My name is Angie Ernst I have been seeing Dr. Haumesser since April of 2004. Initially I thought that chiropractic wasn’t for me. I was referred to Dr. Haumesser by a friend when I was having severe shoulder and neck pain. Dr. Haumesser not only cured my pain, but he also helped cure an ongoing pain in my lower back. I truly believe that chiropractic care is essential to a healthy and overall great feeling life!


Back Pain for Over Five Years

My name is Tim Bell and I have been seeing Dr. Haumesser since March 2004. I have had back pain for the last five years at least. I gave up racquetball and other sports due to the pain, which would also cause missed work. I don’t like steroids or heavy pain relievers so I gave Dr. Haumesser a try. I am back to playing racquetball and other sports again and overall I just feel better. I am no longer nagged with back pain.


Take an Adjustment and Call Me in the Morning

My name is Mayline Perry (as told by her mother Sylvia Perry). Last year I had a virus with a high fever. After 2 ½ days of mom piggybacking Tylenol and Motrin every 4 hours and still not having a break in the fever, mom got Dr. Matt to adjust me, within 1 hour my fever broke and did not return. Since then at the first sign of a fever I get adjusted and I seem to be better in no time.


I Don’t Like Taking Pills

My name is Ellen Sibert and I have been seeing Dr. Haumesser since April 2005. Initially I thought that they were “quacks” and that people become dependent on them. Here is my story, I was in such pain even simplistic things such as moving a mouse for my computer, playing foosball, or shopping became a guarantee I would be in pain. I chose not to go to my family doctor; I figured he would give me a bunch of meds. I don’t like taking pills. I decided it couldn’t hurt to try a chiropractor. I was scared of getting my neck aligned. In the last six months I have not been in pain or sick. I work at an elementary school and I am very active. Thanks to chiropractic care I have no limits.


It Was My Last Resort

My name is Persona “Jake” Berberich. I came to chiropractic as a last step. After 5 years of drugs, therapy, and shots. Here I am. Sleeping 3 hours was all I could do without pain waking me up. Bending wasn’t an option. Now, I sleep, I bend, I dance and I am happy.


Alternative Treatment for Migraines and Tension Headaches

My name is MaryLynn Schiller. I have been seeing Dr. Haumesser since May 2005. Initially I came to see Dr. Matt during an open house. I was “wowed” from the time I walked in the door! I came seeking alternative treatment for migraines and tension headaches. I was constantly rubbing my neck and temples, headaches everyday. It was a way of life to have headaches on a constant basis. Within the first 3-4 visits I noticed a reduction in the severity and frequency, plus I was sleeping much better at night because my neck wasn’t tight. I highly recommend a program with Dr. Matt that would include adjustments and massage therapy. Chiropractic makes me feel 100% better than I have felt in a long time.

Patient Testimonial

Chiropractic Helped my Range of Motion and Scar Tissue

My name is John Houser and I have been seeing Dr. Haumesser since January 2003. Initially I thought that chiropractic was only for problems with your back and neck. In 1999 I broke the radial head in my left elbow. Since then I have had problems with my range of motion and with scar tissue. Since I started seeing Dr. Haumesser I have made great strides in the range of motion in my left elbow and much less problems with scar tissue buildup. I have had multiple surgeries and seen many different physical therapists, but I have seen the most progress with Dr. Haumesser.

Patient Testimonial

Champion Powerlifter Competes With Men Half His Age

My name is Todd Jackson and I have been seeing Dr. Haumesser since August 2000. Regular chiropractic adjustments by Dr. Haumesser has allowed me to obtain the best condition of my life and compete with men half my age. (Todd Jackson is a 2 time National Champion Power lifter and he has won many bodybuilding championships)

Patient Testimonial

Chronic Ear Infections

My name is Gracie Foley (as told by her mother Sara Foley) and I have been suffering from chronic ear infections since the age of 10 months. I had tubes put in my ears after 7 months of antibiotics that did absolutely nothing. I had no ear infections for 6 months, after 6 months my ears began bleeding and the infections started all over again (the tubes were still in). After only two treatments with Dr. Haumesser I have not had a single ear infection. Also the treatment has helped my sensory integration and bowel problems. I am extremely grateful I met Dr. Haumesser.

Patient Testimonial

Asthma Attack

My name is Emma Haumesser. I have been seeing Dr. Matt since I was born. When I was younger I had an asthma attack. My mom asked my uncle Matt to adjust me and it cleared me up. After that I have seen Uncle Matt regularly.



More Eastern Hills Chiropractic Reviews | (513) 528-2200